Thursday, July 24, 2008

God's Big Back Yard

This week has been Vacation Bible School at Liberty United Methodist Church. They called and asked me to help and of course I couldn't say no, so Jack and I headed off to bible school. Now, he just barely qualified (age 3 and potty trained) but we tried it this week anyway. He is a part of a group called Alligators and most have just turned 3--btw there are 10 little ones in his class. Wow! He has done well considering he really hasn't been in a structured day care setting.

As for my part, I taught his class on Tuesday and Thursday. I will say this, there is a good reason the good lord sent me to teach high school. Ten 3 year olds are a handful!!! And then to have Jack in my class was even harder! But, we made it and tomorrow is Jack's last day. The crafts he made were coloring a bag, clothespin butterfly, tie snake (very cool), and a planter with marigold's (also very cool). We have learned very cool songs and made lots of friends.

We also just received a phone call from Creative World--Jack's finally going to attend their school! Ainsley will still attend Bambi's, but Jack will be going to preschool. I know he will miss her terribly, but we are very excited about him attending school! This is a huge step in our lives and are very excited!!!!! Keep your fingers crossed that things go well!!

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