Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Obama Mania Hits Rolla!

I guess you could say I never felt my parents were really into elections. We would talk about stuff like that around the kitchen table, but for the most part, we never took part in rallies, signs, or anything related to campaigning. The most they ever wanted me to do was distribute fliers around the neighborhood for my neighbor who was running for a school board seat. I know sounds weird too, but they are also really good friends with the Phelps County Coroner, but again, we never helped him campaign--mainly because he didn't have anyone running against him.

Well--this week, Obama mania has hit Rolla. As you all know, he is campaigning around Missouri in areas that are not traditionally Democrat. I thought it was cool that my he was coming to Rolla--that just doesn't happen in Rolla. I asked my parents if they were going and they thought they might try--mostly because of the historicalness to this situation. So, my mom stood in line in the heat yesterday only to get 30 feet from the door and to find out they were out of tickets. Let me tell you, she was upset! The campaign thought there would be enough tickets. However, around 2,000 people showed up for tickets and they were only handing out 1,200. In steps their neighbor--she was hosting a get together with someone from the Obama campaign at her house and insisted my parents attend. So they did, which amazed me! While at the party, she told them she waited in line and didn't get tickets, so...they had some there from the campaign and gave her and my dad tickets to today's rally.

So, my parents just called to tell me there were at the rally. But the really cool part is they are on the center stage, in the center, behind the podium, right by where Obama will be standing and speaking. They were surrounded by secret service people and all that jazz! I now have to watch them on TV to see if I see them. Mom said she was wearing green pants and a black top or vice versa. So...if any sees them in the video, please let me know and I will post the link here!

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